How we will select the participants

Global Location Lottery

On June 24, we selected by 100 points on the globe by lottery, using a NASA database of human population density. The 100 points produced by this lottery (sometimes called a sortition) are the locations from where we will recruit participants for the Global Assembly.  In the future we hope to perform this global lottery with 1000 points. The open source code used to do this if freely available.

Participant locations

Local Community Host Network

We will, then, identify and recruit local community organizations as close as possible to each point. These community hosts will be on-boarded, trained in participant recruitment and hosting, and will accompany each participant through the Global Assembly. 

We define a “community host” as trusted organizations in local communities that bring people together around common activities and beliefs, such as community centers, public libraries, cultural venues, sports clubs, coworking spaces, innovation hubs, urban centers, youth centers, faith-based institutions, and educational institutions, among others.

Global Assembly Participant Pool

Community hosts will then recruit 4-6 local potential participants who will reflect the diversity of the chosen location.

A combination of on-street and door-knocking recruitment will be used, as a method that can be used consistently across different geographies and is not biased towards mobile phone ownership, the formality of address, and is most likely to result in a diverse participant pool.

If your community organization is near the selected locations

Global Participant Lottery

We will then run a second lottery (a sortition) selecting the final participants from the pool of candidates so that Global Assembly is a snapshot of the global human family. It will be representative of the globe in these key characteristics: gender, age, geography, attitude toward climate change, and educational level.

This will be done using the free, open source code, Stratify Select. [link:].

Values of Selection

These are “regulative ideals”: these principles guide the process, even where they are not perfectly achievable.

  • Equality: Anyone on the planet could be chosen.

  • Representation & Diversity: The Assembly should be a microcosm of the globe.

  • Inclusion: We will work to eliminate any barriers to participation.

  • Transparency: The algorithms, code, tools and processes are fully open.

  • Equal Compensation: Everyone who participates will be compensated and valued equally..

  • Learning: This has never been done before. This is a process of learning and improvement as we work towards holding a 1,000-person assembly in the future